I’m like most people when it comes to installing software for home use. Just scroll down to the bottom of all that legal blurb and click on the Yes I Agree button
and carry on. I’m a little more careful in my professional life however and do read most (not all) of these things as they may have implications for my clients.
I was recently scrolling through an End User License Agreement (EULA) for a Microsoft product I was installing and came across this clause under Section 3. Scope of License.
What? I know the term “work around” could have a wide and varied interpretation but really? I’ve been “working around” the technical limitations of products for years now, I consider it part of my job and the value-add I provide.
Maybe I’ve missed the point entirely on this clause, or maybe the legal people need to talk to the technical people, anyway where’s that Agree
Paul is an independent consultant and company director. He lives in Auckland, New Zealand and travels extensively.