Here's what to do when you have finished using the cluster and want to remove everything set up in this guide.

Remove the Virtual Machine

  1. Shutdown the machine, then in the Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager GUI, highight the machine, and select Machine ==> Remove... from the menu.

    Remove VM

Click the Delete all files button to remove the machine and all associated files created by VirtualBox.

Remove VirtualBox

  1. To remove VirtualBox, click the “Windows” icon to open the Start screen. Find the VirtualBox icon and right-click and select “Uninstall”.

Remove the Uncompress Utility

  1. To remove 7zip, click the “Windows” icon to open the Start screen. Find the 7zip icon and right-click and select “Uninstall”.

Remove the cockroach-vb-single directory.

  1. Delete the cockroach-vb-single directory and all its contents.