Download the pre-built disk image, adjust the size of the virtual machine to fit your host then execute the script to create the VirtualBox machine.

The steps are:

  • Download the Pre-Built Image.

  • Configure the Create_VM script if required.

  • Execute the Create_VM script to create the virtual machine.

Download the Pre-Built Image


  1. From the Linux Lite page on select the 64 (or 32) bit VirtualBox image of the latest Linux Lite build. Download Linux Lite

  2. Save the downloaded file into the cockroach-vb-single directory. Its file name will be something like LinuxLite_<version>-64bit.7z.

Uncompress the Pre-Built Image

Use the uncompress utility installed previously to extract the VirtualBox disk image file.

On Windows


  1. Use the 7-Zip utility to uncompress the disk image. By default the utility will create a 64bit directory that contains the extracted disk image.

7-Zip extract

On Mac


  1. The downloaded .7z file should already be associated with The Unarchiver utility. Double-click on the file to extract the disk image. Uncompress the disk image into the cockroach-vb-single directory. By default the utility will create a 64bit directory that contains the extracted disk image.


Unarchiver extracting

On Linux


  1. Use strong coffee to uncompress the disk image into the $HOME/cockroach-vb-single directory.

Configure the Create Script

The Create_VM script that was download as part of the host machine setup contains all the instructions to create your virtual machine. There are a couple of things you may need to edit within the script before it’s executed.

If you didn’t change the location of the default machine folder when you installed VirtualBox and you are happy with the default memory and CPU configuration of the virtual machine, you can skip straight to the Execute the Create_VM Script section.

Machine Folder Location

The location of the default VirtualBox Machine Folder is %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\VirtualBox VMs on Windows which is usually something like C:\Users\<username>\VirtualBox VMs. This is where the virtual machine will get created.

If you changed this location during the installation of VirtualBox, change the value of the MACHINE_FOLDER variable in the Create_VM script to match.

Windows On Windows:


MacLinux On Mac/Linux:




The default virtual memory is 2Gb. This should be enough to start 3 CockroachDB nodes but more is preferable. If your host has greater than 6Gb, it’s suggested that you set the memory to the smaller of 4Gb or half your physical memory.

  1. Change the 2048 on the line below in the Create_VM script to the desired amount of memory (in Kb).

    On Windows/Mac/Linux:

    VboxManage modifyvm "CockroachDB" --memory 2048 --vram 128



The default number of virtual CPUs in the create script is 2. This should be enough to run 3 CockroachDB nodes but more is preferable. The recommended number is up to half of the number of physical CPUs, including hyper-threading.

  1. Change the 2 on the line below in the Create_VM script to the desired number of CPUs.

    On Windows/Mac/Linux:

    VboxManage modifyvm "CockroachDB" --cpus 2

Execute the Create_VM Script

The Create_VM script will:

  • Create a VirtualBox machine called “CockroachDB”

  • Configure the virtual machine as per the create script.

  • Start the virtual machine.

On Windows


  1. On the host machine, using the Windows File Manager, in the cockroach-vb-single directory, double-click on the Create_VM.bat script file to execute it.

    Create VM

    The script will pause at the end so you can review its output before hitting return to close the window.

On Mac


  1. On the host machine, using the Terminal application, change directory into cockroach-vb-single and execute the Create_VM.bash script using . ./Create_VM.bash.
iMac:cockroach-vb-single uptimeDBA$ . ./Create_VM.bash 
Virtual machine 'CockroachDB' is created and registered.
UUID: df120c2a-bac3-4dc8-b7e1-dd77087e86ba
Settings file: '/Users/uptimeDBA/VirtualBox VMs/CockroachDB/CockroachDB.vbox'
Waiting for VM "CockroachDB" to power on...
VM "CockroachDB" has been successfully started.
iMac:cockroach-vb-single uptimeDBA$ 

On Linux


  1. Coming soon.

Log On to the Machine

The virtual machine will start in full GUI mode using the Xfce window manager. Login using the pre-installed user osboxes whose password is It has sudo configured to enable it to execute any super-user (root) commands as required. This is the account we will install CockroachDB into.

  1. Login using the default user osboxes with password


    The first time you log on you will be presented with a “Welcome to Linux Lite” window which lets you do things like install updates etc. Just de-select the “Show this dialog on startup.” checkbox and click Close. You should be able to maximize the window the virtual machine is running in so it will be full screen.

What’s Next

Download and install the CockroachDB software and start the Database Cluster.